Contrelle Activgard Content Planner
For the 1 in 3 women that suffer from unexpected bladder leaks. The Contrelle bladder support is a pad-free solution, designed to help stop leaks rather than absorbing them. Use for up to 16 hours a day, or just during exercise.
For the 1 in 3 women that suffer from unexpected bladder leaks. The Contrelle bladder support is a pad-free solution, designed to help stop leaks rather than absorbing them. Use for up to 16 hours a day, or just during exercise.
Post 01
Contrelle Activgard is available to buy now in the UK, online at Boots:
Choose from a variety of sizes or get a Sizing Kit pack to find out which size is best for you. There's also a "how to" video guide available. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 02
Seeing friends is a huge part of our mental wellbeing. Women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry! We are social creatures! Go be social! Available to buy now, at #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #BeSocial |
Post 03
It's true. Bladder weakness affects 1 in 3 women.
Millions of women worldwide suffer from Urinary Incontinence. Some will only experience leaking when they do strenuous exercise, while others will need to wear pads all day, every day in case of an ‘accident’. It's time for change. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 04
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #TheScandinavianSecret |
Post 05
Regular exercise is so important to our physical and mental health.
With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can run, jump, dance, stretch, workout and play without fear of bladder leaks. Contrelle Activgard doesn’t absorb leaks, it stops them from happening in the first place. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 06
Seeing friends is a huge part of our mental wellbeing. Women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry! We are social creatures! Go be social! #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #DrinksOnMe |
Post 08 - Thursday 23rd June 2022
Cackle with confidence with Contrelle. Start your Contrelle journey today, with a 1/2 price sizing kit online at Boots:
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 09 - Monday 27th June 2022
Regular exercise is so important to our physical and mental health.
With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can run, jump, dance, stretch, workout and play without fear of bladder leaks. Contrelle Activgard doesn’t absorb leaks, it stops them from happening in the first place. #Contrelle #BeLeakFree |
Post 10 - Wednesday 6th July 2022
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 11 - Monday 11th July 2022
Make the most of the fabulous weather we're having! With Contrelle Activgard you can walk without worrying about leaks.
Start your Contrelle journey today, with a 1/2 price sizing kit online at Boots: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #WalkWithoutWorry |
Post 12 - Monday 18th July 2022
Contrelle Activgard from Viveca Biomed is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently.
When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 13 - Wednesday 3rd August 2022
Contrelle works instantly to help stop bladder leaks. Seeing is believing – watch Natalie’s video to see Contrelle being put to the ultimate test.
Natalie (host of The Fertility Podcast @fertilitypoddy) bought the sizing kit through a chance Internet search, and shares her delight using Contrelle for the first time. Get started with your sizing kit now: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheFertilityPodcast |
Post 14 - Monday 8th August 2022
Contrelle Activgard is excited to hear the programme announcement and to be participating in Women's Health: Breaking the Taboos with @cherryhealey.
Tune into @channel5_tv tomorrow evening, Tuesday 9th August at 7:00pm. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #Channel5 |
Post 15 - Thursday 11th August 2022
Great to see Contrelle Activgard featured on @channel5_tv's "Women's Health: Breaking the Taboos" programme this week, with @cherryhealey. 2 out of 3 women found success with Contrelle Activgard! 🙌🏻
See for yourself on catch up on My5 here: Find out more about controlling bladder weakness, with Contrelle Activgard #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 16 - Saturday 13th August 2022
Great to see Contrelle Activgard featured on @channel5_tv's "Women's Health: Breaking the Taboos" programme this week, with @cherryhealey. 2 out of 3 women found success with Contrelle Activgard! 🙌🏻
See for yourself on catch up on My5 here: Find out more about controlling bladder weakness, with Contrelle Activgard #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 17 - Wednesday 17th August
Seeing friends is a huge part of our mental wellbeing. Women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry! We are social creatures! Go be social! Available to buy now, at #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #BeSocial |
Post 18 - Thursday 25th August 2022
Contrelle Activgard is available to buy now in the UK, online at Boots:
Choose from a variety of sizes or get a Sizing Kit pack to find out which size is best for you. There's also a "how to" video guide available. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 19 - Wednesday 31st August 2022
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #TheScandinavianSecret |
Post 20 - Friday 2nd September 2022
Our star case study Natalie has contributed to this year's Every Woman Day after her experience using Contrelle Activgard.
Natalie Silverman – mum, health advocate and founder of The Fertility Podcast: “My leaks meant I couldn’t play active games with my son, but Contrelle gave me back my bounce.” Former radio presenter and health advocate Natalie Silverman founded the Fertility Podcast after struggling with fertility issues prior to successfully giving birth to her son seven years ago. But in the three years before his birth, and increasingly so afterwards, 44-year-old Natalie has faced a different but still daunting challenge in the form of stress urinary incontinence. If you’re suffering with incontinence, you will probably relate to Natalie’s story. Read the rest of Natalie's story on EWD website, here: #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks #ShareAndInspire |
Post 21 - Wednesday 7th September 2022
We're at the International Continence Society meeting this week in Vienna! We're at the ‘Product Theatre’ on Thursday 8th September at 4:10pm. Come and join us at STAND 30 for a chat.
With new pan-European availability we’ll introduce the new clinical programme across multiple countries which will extend the relevance to clinical practice and provide new indications, demonstrating reduction in costs in the healthcare system and saving health professional time. We will also introduce our new communication programme to really break through the taboo of female incontinence to help women talk about the issue. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #InternationalContinenceSociety |
Post 22 - Tuesday 20th September 2022
Read about Dy Aggy York's issues with stress urinary incontinence and how Contrelle Activgard helped her run with confidence.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 23 - Monday 26th September 2022
Seeing friends is a huge part of our mental wellbeing. Women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry! We are social creatures! Go be social! #Contrelle #BeLeakFree #DrinksOnMe |
Post 24 - Friday 7th October 2022
It’s launched! Women’s Health launched today, aiming to discuss key women’s health conditions, highlighting the importance of prevention, early diagnosis and showcasing the innovations in treatment.
We’re proud to have partnered with @MediaplanetUK on this campaign, and can’t wait for you to see it. It was featured recently in The Guardian newspaper, and you can view it online here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 25 - Friday 14th October 2022
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 26 - Thursday 20th October 2022
We're in Antibes, France, from today, at the 15th Annual Congress of the European Urogynaecological Association (EUGA) running from 20th to 22nd October 2022.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 27 - 27th October 2022
Great little feature in My Weekly magazine this week with Dr Sarah Jarvis talking about Contrelle Activgard.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 28 - 31st October 2022
Great feature for Contrelle Activgard by our Belgium distributor, @medispar_distribution. You can watch the clip here:
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 29 - 10th November 2022
With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry.
Exercise helps both physical and mental health, so get out there! Get started today with a sizing kit: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 30 - 14th November 2022
We were pleased to support the British Association of Urology Nurses meeting in Edinburgh, last week. Another amazing response to @contrelleactivgard, as we continue to roll out Contrelle across the UK and internationally, to help stop bladder leakage and change women’s lives. A great, well attended meeting with exceptional response.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 31 - 18th November 2022
Great feature on ITV News about Bladder Weakness, raising awareness of the issue, which affects 1 in 3 women. Learn more about what support is available at
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 31 - 23rd November 2022
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 32 - 1st December 2022
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 33 - 8th December 2022
Seeing friends is a huge part of our mental wellbeing. Women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry! We are social creatures! Go be social! Available to buy now, at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 34 - 13th December 2022
@contrelleactivgard from @vivecabiomed is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently.
When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 35 - 20th December 2022
@contrelleactivgard can help get your life back to normal if you suffer from incontinence as the result of illness or life-changing event. Find out more at
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 36 - 28th December 2022
Do you experience leakage down below, when you laugh? Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) affects 1 in 3 women... but there is a solution! @contrelleactivgard puts you back in control! Find out more at
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 37 - 9th January 2023
Is your resolution to get fit this year? But have reservations about incontinence? Get fit without fear.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, for women who suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Find out more at and start your new year, right! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 38 - 16th January 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 39 - 23rd January 2023
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, normally due to a weakness in the pelvic floor, but it also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 40 - Monday 6th February 2023
With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry.
Exercise helps both physical and mental health, so get out there! Get started today with a sizing kit: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 41 - Monday 13th February 2023
It's time for change.
Introducing Contrelle Activgard. Your everyday bladder support. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 42 - Thursday 16th February 2023
Live your life without fear of leaks. @contrelleactivgard puts YOU in control.
✔ Jump ✔ Bounce ✔ Stretch ✔ Run Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 43 - Monday 20th February 2023
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 44 - Monday 27th February 2023
Real feedback, from real women.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 45 - Monday 6th March 2023
Women suffering with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid going for a drink with friends because they're anxious about bladder leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you don't have to worry. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 46 - Monday 13th March 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 47 - Monday 20th March 2023
Do you suffer from bladder leakage? It's time to TAKE BACK CONTROL!
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TakeBackControl |
Post 48 - Monday 27th March 2023
Be More You! With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to worry about leaks, whatever you want to do.
Find out more at and see how you can be more you with Contrelle Activgard. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou |
Post 49 - Monday 3rd April 2023
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, normally due to a weakness in the pelvic floor, but it also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 50 - Monday 10th April 2023
Dreaming of a life without leaks? With Contrelle Activgard, that dream can become a reality.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LifeWithoutLeaks |
Post 51 - Monday 17th April 2023
Does the thought of stretching make you anxious or nervous? With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to worry about leaks during exercise.
With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 52 - Saturday 23rd April 2023
Good luck to all the runners in the London Marathon today! Dr Aggy York shared this photo with us, showing she has everything she needs to smash the Marathon without fear of leaks, and hundreds more women are using Contrelle today, to Be Leak Free without worry of SUI!
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LondonMarathon |
Post 53 - Monday 24th April 2023
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 54 - Monday 2nd May 2023
Do you suffer from bladder leakage?
Introducing Contrelle Activgard. Your everyday bladder support. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 55 - Monday 8th May 2023
It's important to stay in touch with friends and those we care about. We NEED social interaction and it:
- Creates a connection with others - Reduces loneliness - Boost mood and happiness - Presents opportunities for enjoyment - Maintains your identity Women suffering with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid opportunities to meet friends for a drink or activity for fear of leaks. Tried and tested, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 56 - Monday 15th May 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 57 - Monday 22nd May 2023
Be More You! With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to worry about leaks, whatever you want to do.
Find out more at and see how you can be more you with Contrelle Activgard. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou #BackInControl |
Post 58 - Tuesday 30th May 2023
If you have avoided exercise and social interaction because you fear leaks, Contrelle Activgard could be the answer.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LiveLifeFully |
Post 59 - Monday 5th June 2023
It's true. Bladder weakness affects 1 in 3 women.
Millions of women worldwide suffer from Urinary Incontinence. Some will only experience leaking when they do strenuous exercise, while others will need to wear pads all day, every day in case of an ‘accident’. It's time for change. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 60 - Monday 11th June 2023
We know exercise is important for women for a multitude of reasons, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits specific to women's health and empowers them to lead fulfilling lives.
We also know that some women suffering from incontinence will shy away from exercise due to fear of leaks. With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 61 - Monday 19th June 2023
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, normally due to a weakness in the pelvic floor, but it also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 62 - Monday 26th June 2023
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 63 - Monday 3rd July 2023
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 64 - Monday 10th July 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 65 - Monday 17th July 2023 - ENGLISH
We have established a strong collaborative relationship with dedicated health professionals. Through close cooperation with these experts, we aim to address the unique and essential aspects of pelvic health in women.
Contrelle Activgard is design to aid women with a weak pelvic floor and prevent leakage. Leading to a better quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 65 - Monday 17th July 2023 - GERMAN
Wir haben eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit engagierten Gesundheitsexperten aufgebaut. Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit diesen Experten wollen wir die einzigartigen und wesentlichen Aspekte der Beckengesundheit von Frauen ansprechen.
Contrelle Activgard wurde entwickelt, um Frauen mit einem schwachen Beckenboden zu helfen und ein Auslaufen zu verhindern. Führt zu einer besseren Lebensqualität. Erfahren Sie hier mehr: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 66 - Monday 24th July 2023
It's important to stay in touch with friends and those we care about. We NEED social interaction and it:
- Creates a connection with others - Reduces loneliness - Boost mood and happiness - Presents opportunities for enjoyment - Maintains your identity Women suffering with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) may avoid opportunities to meet friends for a drink or activity for fear of leaks. Tried and tested, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 67 - Monday 31st July 2023
Do you suffer from bladder leakage?
Introducing Contrelle Activgard. Your everyday bladder support. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 68 - Monday 7th August 2023
Be More You! With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to worry about leaks, whatever you want to do.
Find out more at and see how you can be more you with Contrelle Activgard. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou #BackInControl |
Post 69 - Monday 14th August 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 70 - Monday 22nd August 2023
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, normally due to a weakness in the pelvic floor, but it also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 71 - Tuesday 29th August 2023
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 72 - Monday 4th September 2023
Contrelle puts YOU back IN CONTROL. Do what you want to do, without worrying about leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LiveLifeFully |
Post 73 - Monday 11th September 2023
We know exercise is important for women for a multitude of reasons, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits, including:
1️⃣ Boosts Mood: Exercise releases those feel-good endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting a positive outlook on life. 💃 2️⃣ Strong Bones: Weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, and weightlifting help maintain bone density, crucial for women as they age. 🦴 3️⃣ Heart Health: Regular workouts lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, ensuring a healthier heart. ❤️ 4️⃣ Empowerment: Exercise builds physical and mental strength, boosting confidence and self-esteem. It's a powerful tool for self-empowerment! 💪 5️⃣ Hormone Balance: It can ease menstrual symptoms, improve fertility, and help manage menopause symptoms. Exercise helps maintain a balanced hormonal system. 🌸 We also know that some women suffering from incontinence will shy away from exercise due to fear of leaks. With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry. Ladies, let's prioritize our health and well-being through exercise. 💃💪 Remember, it's not just about looking good; it's about feeling fantastic inside and out! 💖 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 74 - Monday 18th September 2023
It's true. Bladder weakness affects 1 in 3 women.
Millions of women worldwide suffer from Urinary Incontinence. Some will only experience leaking when they do strenuous exercise, while others will need to wear pads all day, every day in case of an ‘accident’. It's time for change. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 75 - Monday 25th September 2023
Regain your confidence with Contrelle.
Ladies, we know that life doesn't pause for anything, so why should you? With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can enjoy life to the fullest without worrying about a whoops moment. Find out more about Contrelle, today! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 76 - Monday 2nd October 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 77 - Monday 9th October 2023
The magic of face-to-face connections is irreplaceable. Spending quality time with friends is not just about fun memories, it plays a crucial role in our mental well-being. 🌈
With Contrelle Activgard, you don't need to worry about leaks. So, whether it's a coffee date or a weekend activity, make the time for your friends – it's a heart-to-heart investment you'll never regret! 💬🌸 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 78 - Monday 16th October 2023
Contrelle puts YOU back IN CONTROL. Do what you want to do, without worrying about leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LiveLifeFully |
Post 79 - Monday 23rd October 2023
Do you suffer from bladder leakage?
Introducing Contrelle Activgard. Your everyday bladder support. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 80 - Monday 30th October 2023
We have established a strong collaborative relationship with dedicated health professionals. Through close cooperation with these experts, we aim to address the unique and essential aspects of pelvic health in women.
Contrelle Activgard is design to aid women with a weak pelvic floor and prevent leakage. Leading to a better quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 81 - Monday 6th November 2023
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, both due to weakness in the pelvic floor and due to a hypertonic pelvic floor, when the muscles in the pelvic floor become too tense and are unable to relax. Bladder leakage also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 82 - Sunday 12th November 2023
As we journey through life, it's vital to remember the importance of staying active, especially for women of all ages. Joining a workout group or finding a fitness buddy isn't just about keeping fit; it's a gateway to building lasting friendships, enhancing mental well-being, and staying motivated.
We also know that some women suffering from incontinence will shy away from exercise due to fear of leaks. With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to be self-conscious about leaks. You can run, jump and stretch without worry. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #JoinThatClass |
Post 83 - Monday 20th November 2023
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 84 - Sunday 26th November 2023
Regain your confidence with Contrelle.
Ladies, we know that life doesn't pause for anything, so why should you? With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can enjoy life to the fullest without worrying about a whoops moment. Find out more about Contrelle, today! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 85 - Monday 4th December 2023
If you know about Contrelle, don't be afraid to bring it up in conversation. You could be opening a door to someone who is suffering in silence.
While it may be a sensitive subject, bladder weakness affects 1 in 3 women. Talking about it could direct those who may benefit from Contrelle Activgard in the right direction. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TellAFriend |
Post 86 - Monday 11th December 2023
Be More You! With Contrelle Activgard, you don't have to worry about leaks, whatever you want to do.
Get back in control! 💪🏻 Find out more at and see how you can be more you with Contrelle Activgard. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou #BackInControl |
Post 87 - Sunday 17th December 2023
It's true. Bladder weakness affects 1 in 3 women.
Millions of women worldwide suffer from Urinary Incontinence. Some will only experience leaking when they do strenuous exercise, while others will need to wear pads all day, every day in case of an ‘accident’. It's time for change. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 88 - Monday 25th December 2023
Wishing you a Merry Christmas! 🎅🏻🎄🎁
Thank you to everyone who has spread the word about Contrelle Activgard, helping us to reach those in need. 💙 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #MerryChristmas |
Post 89 - Thursday 4th January 2024
We have established a strong collaborative relationship with dedicated health professionals. Through close cooperation with these experts, we aim to address the unique and essential aspects of pelvic health in women.
Contrelle Activgard is design to aid women with a weak pelvic floor and prevent leakage. Leading to a better quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 90 - Monday 8th January 2024
Embrace your friends with confidence and live life to its fullest, without worrying about leaks. 🌟
👭 For women dealing with SUI, we know it can be challenging. Contrelle Activgard is a discreet and comfortable solution that lets you jump, laugh, and run without worry. 🏃♀️💃 🌸 So, let's make plans, go for that walk in the park, have coffee with friends, and enjoy every adventure. With Contrelle Activgard, you're not just managing SUI; you're reclaiming your freedom and joy! 🚴♀️☕ #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 91 - Monday 15th January 2024
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, both due to weakness in the pelvic floor and due to a hypertonic pelvic floor, when the muscles in the pelvic floor become too tense and are unable to relax. Bladder leakage also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 92 - Tuesday 23rd January
Regain your confidence with Contrelle.
Ladies, we know that life doesn't pause for anything, so why should you? With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can enjoy life to the fullest without worrying about a whoops moment. Find out more about Contrelle, today! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 93 - Sunday 28th January
Each woman is unique! The appropriate size varies based on the individual dimensions and contour of the vagina, along with the level of support or mild pressure necessary to aid in preventing leakage.
Contrelle Activgard comes in several sizes, and a Sizing Kit is offered to help determine the most suitable size. Learn more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 94 - Monday 5th February
Do you suffer from bladder leakage?
Introducing Contrelle Activgard. Your everyday bladder support. Contrelle is a soft, gentle bladder support that comes with a reusable applicator. It’s similar to a tampon so is easy to insert and remove, although works very differently. When correctly and comfortably in place, Contrelle is clinically proven to reduce the amount (and frequency) of bladder leakage caused by Stress Urinary Incontinence, putting you back in control of when you want to go to the toilet. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 95 - Monday 12th February
Joining an exercise class isn't just about working out; it's about building a community. It's where you find your strength, push your limits, and discover the joy of achieving goals together. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, cycling, or dance, every class is an opportunity to connect, support, and empower each other in our journeys. 🤝🌈
Contrelle Activgard is your ultimate ally in combating SUI, empowering you to live, laugh, and exercise without holding back. Whether you're hitting the gym, joining an exercise class, or simply chasing life's best moments, Contrelle Activgard ensures you do so with full confidence, no worries, and absolutely no leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #JoinThatClass |
Post 96 - Monday 19th February
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 97 - Monday 26th February
Maintaining strong connections with our girlfriends isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for our mental and emotional well-being. Research shows that spending time with friends can reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and even increase longevity! 📈🌟
Don't be conscious about leaks. With Contrelle Activgard, you don't need to worry. Drink, laugh and enjoy yourself without an oops moment! Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 98 - Monday 4th March
Discover the freedom to be yourself with Contrelle Activgard! 🌟 No more holding back because of bladder leaks. This discreet and comfortable solution empowers women to live life on their own terms, without worry or compromise. Say yes to spontaneity, laughter, and confidence.
Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou |
Post 99 - Friday 8th March
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #WomensDay #InternationalWomensDay |
Post 100 - Monday 11th March 2024
Exercise shouldn't come with worry. With Contrelle Activgard, you can run, jump and stretch with peace of mind and confidence, there will be no leaks.
Exercise is great for physical and mental wellbeing. Get amongst other women, make friends and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #JoinThatClass |
Post 101 - Monday 18th March 2024
Hey ladies! 💖 Did you know that bladder weakness is something that 1 in 3 women experience? It's more common than many of us think, and it's a global issue that can impact our daily lives. But here's some good news! Contrelle Activgard designed to help us navigate this challenge with confidence. 🌸
Whether you're hitting the gym, taking a class, laughing through a coffee date, or just going about your day, Contrelle Activgard is here to support women everywhere in living life to the fullest, without holding back. Let's open up the conversation and support each other, because no one should have to feel alone in this. 💪 Remember, it's all about taking care of ourselves and finding the solutions that work for us. If you're experiencing bladder weakness, you're not alone, and there are options out there for you. Let's embrace our strength and keep shining bright! ✨ Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 102 - Monday 25th March 2024
Everyone woman is different! The size needed depends on the size and shape of the vagina, as well as the amount of support or gentle pressure needed on the bladder to help stop leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is available in a variety of sizes, and a Sizing Kit pack is available to find out which size is best. Find out more, here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 103 - Monday 1st April 2024
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 104 - Monday 8th April 2024
Regain your confidence with Contrelle.
Ladies, we know that life doesn't pause for anything, so why should you? With Contrelle Activgard snugly in place, you can enjoy life to the fullest without worrying about a whoops moment. Find out more about Contrelle, today! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 105 - Monday 15th April 2024
Whether it's a quick coffee date or a long walk and a chat, making time for our friends is not just fun - it's essential. Strong friendships among women are a powerful support system that boost our emotional and mental health.
If worrying about leaks is holding you back, Contrelle Activgard can help prevent bladder leakage. Drink, laugh and enjoy yourself without an oops moment! Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 106 - Monday 22nd April 2024
Experience the joy of being you with Contrelle Activgard! 🌟 Let go of concerns over bladder leaks with our discreet and comfortable solution. It’s time for women to live without limits, enjoying spontaneous laughter and newfound confidence. 👊🏻
Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou |
Post 107 - Monday 29th April 2024
Introducing Contrelle Activgard, your everyday support for bladder control.
Contrelle is a gentle, soft bladder support that includes a reusable applicator. It’s easy to insert and remove, similar to a tampon, yet functions in a distinctly different way. Properly and comfortably positioned, Contrelle prevents bladder leakage due to Stress Urinary Incontinence, empowering you to decide when to use the bathroom, and putting you back in control. Discover more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 107 - Monday 29th April 2024 (Event)
Join us, at Icons Bar in Prestwich, for an evening with experts to Master the Menopause!
📌 Wednesday 8th May from 6:45pm till 9pm. We're proud to sponsor this female-led event for women who may be approaching perimenopause or who are currently experiencing symptoms and want to learn more about it. Organised by medical professionals, our experts will debunk the myths and tell you what really works! Register online today for a glass of prosecco and goodie bag: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #Menopause |
Post 108 - Monday 6th May 2024
Bladder weakness doesn't discriminate, affecting women of all ages and across all stages of life.
We understand how challenging this can be, which is why Contrelle Activgard is here to help. Our product is specifically designed to support women dealing with bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, with SUI being the main issue. Contrelle Activgard offers not just protection but also peace of mind, allowing you to live your life fully and confidently. Let's break the silence on bladder weakness and start the conversation. With Contrelle Activgard, regain control and confidence. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 109 - Monday 12th May 2024
We have established a strong collaborative relationship with dedicated health professionals. Through close cooperation with these experts, we aim to address the unique and essential aspects of pelvic health in women.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to aid women with a weak pelvic floor and prevent leakage. Leading to a better quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 110 - Monday 20th May 2024
Joining an exercise class isn't just about working out; it's about building a community. It's where you find your strength, push your limits, and discover the joy of achieving goals together. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, cycling, or dance, every class is an opportunity to connect, support, and empower each other in our journeys. 🤝🌈
Contrelle Activgard is your ultimate ally in combating SUI, empowering you to live, laugh, and exercise without holding back. Whether you're hitting the gym, joining an exercise class, or simply chasing life's best moments, Contrelle Activgard ensures you do so with full confidence, no worries, and absolutely no leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #JoinThatClass |
Post 111 - Monday 27th May 2024
If you're suffering with bladder leaks, Contrelle Activgard could be the game changer you never knew existed.
View more genuine reviews from real customers: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #CustomerReview |
Post 112 - Monday 3rd June 2024
👋🏻 Say goodbye to bladder leak anxiety! Contrelle Activgard provides the support you need to confidently go for walks, meet friends, and exercise.
Regain your confidence with Contrelle. Find out more at 🙌🏻 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 114 - Monday 10th June 2024
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 115 - Monday 17th June 2024
Maintaining friendships isn't just about having fun - it's crucial for our well-being, especially for women! 💖 Regular meet-ups with friends can boost our mood, reduce stress, and provide a strong support system during tough times. 👭
We know that women suffering with SUI and bladder leaks are self-conscious about meeting up, going for a walk or enjoying a drink with friends. Contrelle Activgard can help prevent bladder leaks and restore confidence without worrying about an oops moment! Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 116 - Friday 21st June 2024 - Paydens
We're excited to announce that Contrelle Activgard is now available in-store at Paydens Pharmacies, launching across 100 stores in the South East! Find your nearest store at
You can also order online at Proven to completely stop bladder leakage for 68% of women. Whilst 86% of women reported a significant reduction in the frequency of their leaks. Try Contrelle and take back control today. Talk to a member of the Paydens team for advice. #ContrelleActivgard #PaydensPharmacy #VivecaBiomed |
Post 117 - Friday 21st June 2024 - Paydens Shelf
💪 Ladies, don't hold back from joining exercise classes because of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)! THERE IS A SOLUTION! 🙌🏻
Contrelle Activgard offers a discreet, comfortable solution to help you regain confidence and stay active. Don’t let SUI stop you from doing what you love. Let's move together and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle! #ContrelleActivgard #StayActive #SUI #WomenEmpowerment |
Post 118 - Monday 23rd June 2024
Experience the joy of being you with Contrelle Activgard! 🌟
Let go of concerns over bladder leaks with our discreet and comfortable solution. Run, jump and bounce without limits and enjoy a more active lifestyle with confidence. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou |
Post 119 - Monday 1st July 2024
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, both due to weakness in the pelvic floor and due to a hypertonic pelvic floor, when the muscles in the pelvic floor become too tense and are unable to relax. Bladder leakage also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 120 - Monday 8th July 2024
💪 Ladies, don't hold back from joining exercise classes because of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)! THERE IS A SOLUTION! 🙌🏻
Contrelle Activgard offers a discreet, comfortable solution to help you regain confidence and stay active. Don’t let SUI stop you from doing what you love. Let's move together and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #StayActive #SUI #WomenEmpowerment |
Post 121 - Monday 15th July 2024
Chances are, you know someone who suffers from SUI and Bladder Weakness.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 122 - Monday 22nd July 2024
We have established a strong collaborative relationship with dedicated health professionals. Through close cooperation with these experts, we aim to address the unique and essential aspects of pelvic health in women.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to aid women with a weak pelvic floor and prevent leakage. Leading to a better quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 123 - Monday 29th July 2024
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 124 - Monday 5th August 2024
With Contrelle Activgard, you can enjoy running, exercising, and having a drink without the worry of stress urinary incontinence, or bladder leaks holding you back.
Prevent leaks before they happen and embrace every moment with confidence! 💪✨ Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #IAmConfident |
Post 125 - Monday 12th August 2024
Trying Contrelle Activgard for the first time? Start with our sizing kit, offering 3 different sizes to get the perfect fit, for you. 🤗
The appropriate size varies based on the individual dimensions and contour of the vagina, along with the level of support or mild pressure necessary to aid in preventing leakage. Learn more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 126 - Monday 19th August 2024
Don't let bladder leaks hold you back. Contrelle Activgard puts YOU back IN CONTROL, so you can do what you want to do, without worrying about leaks.
Contrelle Activgard is a comfortable, discreet, easy to use bladder support, designed to reduce or stop bladder leaks, so you can go about your day without worrying about leaks. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LiveLifeFully #BeLeakFree |
Post 127 - Monday 26th August 2024
Maintaining strong friendships is vital for our mental health and wellbeing! 🌸✨
As women, spending time with friends offers joy, support, and a much-needed break from the everyday hustle. But for some of us, struggling with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and bladder leaks can impact our confidence, making it harder to say "yes" to those fun outings with friends. If you’ve felt hesitant to see your friends because of bladder leaks, you’re not alone. Many women feel the same, but there’s good news! Contrelle Activgard is here to restore your confidence. 💪💧 With Contrelle Activgard, you can get back to enjoying those special moments with friends, without the fear of leaks holding you back. Whether it’s a coffee date or a night out, Contrelle helps you feel secure, comfortable, and free to be yourself. Let’s take charge of our health, build stronger connections, and embrace the joy of friendship, leak-free! 💖👯♀️ #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #StrongerTogether #ContrelleConfidence #WomenSupportingWomen |
Post 128 - Monday 2nd September 2024
Introducing Contrelle Activgard, your everyday support for bladder control.
Contrelle is a gentle, soft bladder support that includes a reusable applicator. It’s easy to insert and remove, similar to a tampon, yet functions in a distinctly different way. Properly and comfortably positioned, Contrelle prevents bladder leakage due to Stress Urinary Incontinence, empowering you to decide when to use the bathroom, and putting you back in control. Discover more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree |
Post 129 - Monday 9th September 2024
Don’t let bladder leaks interrupt your daily routine. With Contrelle Activgard, you can shop, work, or spend time with loved ones without worry. Focus on life’s special moments, not your bladder.
Discover more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LifeWithoutLimits #NoMoreLeaks #BeLeakFree |
Post 130 - Monday 16th September 2024
Bladder leaks don’t care about age – and neither does Contrelle Activgard! Whether it’s childbirth, menopause, or high-impact activities, bladder weakness and stress urinary incontinence can affect any woman. Take control and feel confident again with Contrelle. 💪
Find out more: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 131 - Monday 23rd September 2024
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 132 - Monday 30th September 2024
Contrelle Activgard gives you the reassurance you need to live life without holding back. Whether it's walking in the woods, joining a dance class, or exploring a new town, Contrelle lets you embrace every moment worry-free.🌸
Adventure isn’t just fun, it enriches you mentally, physically, and socially. Feel empowered, stay active, and build connections that make life truly rewarding. 🙌🏻 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SayYes #LiveFully #NoMoreLeaks #NoLimits |
Post 133 - Monday 7th October 2024
Through close cooperation with experienced health professionals, we are dedicated to tackling the unique challenges of pelvic health. Together, we bring focused solutions to women needing support with pelvic floor issues. Including bladder weakness, and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).
Contrelle Activgard is designed to prevent bladder leaks, supporting women in living with greater confidence and an improved quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 134 - Thursday 10th October 2024
On this World Mental Health Day let’s talk about how confidence can be a game-changer for your mental well-being! 💚🎗🧠💭
Contrelle Activgard is here to help women take back control and live confidently without the fear, stress, or embarrassment of bladder leaks. When you feel free to do what you love, it opens up opportunities for self-care and mental wellness. Whether it’s exercising, socializing, or simply feeling at ease, Contrelle helps you focus on the things that matter most. #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #WorldMentalHealthDay #MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 135 - World Menopause Day, 18th October
This #WorldMenopauseDay, we stand with women navigating the challenges of menopause and perimenopause. ✊🏻 A time when many begin to experience bladder leaks.
But there's hope! 🙌🏻 Studies show that Contrelle Activgard stops or reduces leaks for 96% of women, so they can continue their day-to-day life, leak-free and with confidence. 89% of women claim Contrelle improves their quality of life. 93% say it has made them feel more confident during day-to-day activities. 72% have become more active. Bladder leaks don’t have to hold you back. Take control, stay active, and enjoy life without leaks and maintain your physical and mental well-being. 🧘🏻♀️ Find out more about Contrelle Activgard at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #Perimenopause #Menopause #BladderLeaks |
Post 136 - Monday 21st October 2024
Contrelle Activgard stops leaks BEFORE they happen. Giving women the confidence to go out and do what they want to do, without the anxiety and stress of bladder leaks. 🙌🏻
Joining a fitness class is a great way to socialise with friends, make new friends and stay physically and mentally fit. It ticks all the boxes for maintaining our well-being. ✅ What are you waiting for? With Contrelle Activgard in place, nothing can stop you! 💪🏻 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #JoinThatClass #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 137 - Monday 28th October 2024
💧 Bladder Weakness affects 1 in 3 women, creating moments of worry and frustration. For some, it’s only during exercise, but for others, it’s a daily concern.
That’s where Contrelle Activgard steps in! Unlike pads, Contrelle Activgard prevents leaks from happening altogether. By providing gentle support, it keeps you protected and confident! No more pads, no more worries. Find out more, and discover freedom from leaks with Contrelle Activgard at 🌸💖 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 138 - Monday 4th November 2024
Live life on your terms with Contrelle Activgard! Forget the stress of bladder leaks and embrace each day fully. From walking to cycling and every fitness adventure in between, Contrelle Activgard helps you stay active and carefree.
Discover how you can BE MORE YOU at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou #BackInControl #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 139 - Monday 11th November 2024
Contrelle Activgard is changing lives, and our customers are providing us with feedback on how it has improved their life.
We'd love to know how it has helped you. Send us an email with your feedback, to [email protected]. 🙌🏻 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ContrelleReviews #CustomerReviews |
Post 140 - Monday 18th November 2024
Women as young as 18 experience bladder leaks, both due to weakness in the pelvic floor and due to a hypertonic pelvic floor, when the muscles in the pelvic floor become too tense and are unable to relax. Bladder leakage also affects women in a variety of lifestyles and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is designed to help women suffering from bladder leaks due to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence, where SUI is the main problem. Find out more: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 141 - Monday 25th November 2024
It's one of Scandinavia's biggest secrets, and now it's available worldwide!
Tried and tested by Scandinavian women for many years, Contrelle Activgard is a cushion soft, comfortable, and discreet bladder support that helps stop leaks before they happen - letting you live your life to the full. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #TheSecretIsOut |
Post 142 - Monday 2nd December 2024
Don’t let bladder leaks stop you having fun!
With Contrelle Activgard, you can spend time with loved ones without worry. Focus on life’s special moments, not your bladder. Discover more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #LifeWithoutLimits #NoMoreLeaks #BeLeakFree |
Post 143 - Monday 3rd December 2024
Maintaining friendships isn't just about having fun - it's crucial for our well-being, especially for women! 💖 Regular meet-ups with friends can boost our mood, reduce stress, and provide a strong support system during tough times. 👭
We know that women suffering with SUI and bladder leaks are self-conscious about meeting up, going for a walk or enjoying a drink with friends. Contrelle Activgard can help prevent bladder leaks and restore confidence without worrying about an oops moment! Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SeeThatFriend |
Post 144 - Monday 16th December 2024
Through close cooperation with experienced health professionals, we are dedicated to tackling the unique challenges of pelvic health. Together, we bring focused solutions to women needing support with pelvic floor issues. Including bladder weakness, and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).
Contrelle Activgard is designed to prevent bladder leaks, supporting women in living with greater confidence and an improved quality of life. Find out more here: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PelvicHealth |
Post 145 - Wednesday 25th December
We wish you all a Merry Christmas! We hope those who have found Contrelle Activgard, a positive, life-changing experience, and thank you to everyone for talking about Contrelle, and raising awareness to those would benefit from it.
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #MerryChristmas #VivecaBiomed |
Post 146 - Monday 1st January 2025
We wish you all a leak free 2025! 🙌🏻 Thank you to everyone who has supported Contrelle and to our partners, helping us help women run, jump, dance, laugh, sneeze and cough, without fear of bladder leaks. ✊🏻
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #HappyNewYear |
Post 147 - Monday 6th January 2025
Say YES to New Adventures in 2025! Whether it’s a dance class, a hike, or simply laughter with friends, don’t let bladder leaks hold you back.
Contrelle Activgard has your back – enjoy every moment leak-free! 🌟 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 148 - Monday 13th January 2025
Your body is unique, and so are your needs. 🙌🏻
That’s why Contrelle Activgard offers a Sizing Kit to help you find your perfect fit. 💕 Feel confident, knowing you’re choosing the size that’s just right for YOU. 👉 Order your Sizing Kit today at and take the first step to comfort and freedom! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #SizingKit |
Post 149 - Monday 20th January 2025
Be More You with Contrelle Activgard 🌟
Say yes to running, jumping, and living life to the fullest – without the worry of leaks holding you back. Contrelle Activgard offers the confidence and freedom to embrace every moment. 💃💪 Take control. Be unstoppable. Be you. Discover how you can BE MORE YOU at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeMoreYou #BackInControl #NoMoreLeaks |
Post 150 - Guardian Weightlifting Article
It’s encouraging to see bladder leakage being discussed openly in the world of women’s powerlifting – breaking taboos and normalising conversations about these common experiences. 💪💬
However, it’s disheartening to see so many women feeling they have no choice but to put up with leaks. You don’t have to accept it as your norm! For many women, Contrelle Activgard provides an immediate solution, stopping or reducing bladder leakage so you can lift, train, and exercise with confidence. 🏋️♀️✨ Don’t let leaks hold you back – reclaim your freedom to move! Find out more, at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #RoseGeorge |
Post 151 - Monday 27th January 2025
Bladder weakness doesn’t discriminate. It’s not just about age. Women as young as 18 can experience bladder leaks, whether due to a weakened pelvic floor or a hypertonic pelvic floor, where overly tense muscles struggle to relax. Bladder leakage can affect women across all walks of life and stages.
Contrelle Activgard is here to help. Specifically designed for women managing bladder leaks caused by stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence (with SUI as the main factor), Contrelle offers a solution to regain control and confidence. Find out more: #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #ItsNotAnAgeThing |
Post 152 - Monday 3rd February 2025
Think bladder leaks only happen after childbirth? Or that they’re just part of getting older? Think again! SUI can affect women of all ages—whether you’ve had kids or not, whether you’re an athlete or post-menopausal.
The good news? You don’t have to just live with it. Contrelle Activgard is a simple, non-surgical solution that helps reduce leaks so you can feel confident and in control. 💜 Let’s break the stigma and start the conversation! #Contrelle #BladderLeakMyths #ConfidenceWithContrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 153 - Wednesday 5th February 2025
Amazing to see Lara Besbrode benefiting from Contrelle Activgard. 💕 Great to hear it's helping women to follow their passions and exercise however they wish.
Just a quick tip! Remember to put the string around the bottom of the applicator first, before sliding the foam device onto the top. 🙌🏻 Thank you for sharing, Lara! 🥰 Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Post 154 - Monday 10th February 2025
You DESERVE fun, friends and freedom. 🙌🏻
Socialising is good for the soul! 💕 But if bladder leaks have made you nervous about going out, Contrelle Activgard has got your back. By stopping leaks before they happen, Contrelle gives you the freedom to enjoy time with your friends without the stress. So, go ahead. Plan that walk. Go for that coffee and dance like no one is watching! 💃✨ #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BeLeakFree #NoMoreLeaks #SeeThatFriend |
Post 155 - Monday 17th February 2025
Bladder leaks are more common than you think, but many women don't recognise the early warning signs.
Here are some key symptoms, how to spot them, and what you can do to regain control. 💪🏻 💙 #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BladderWeakness #SUI |
Special Days
Post - World Menopause Day, 18th October
This #WorldMenopauseDay, we stand with women navigating the challenges of menopause and perimenopause. ✊🏻 A time when many begin to experience bladder leaks.
But there's hope! 🙌🏻 Studies show that Contrelle Activgard stops or reduces leaks for 96% of women, so they can continue their day-to-day life, leak-free and with confidence. 89% of women claim Contrelle improves their quality of life. 93% say it has made them feel more confident during day-to-day activities. 72% have become more active. Bladder leaks don’t have to hold you back. Take control, stay active, and enjoy life without leaks and maintain your physical and mental well-being. 🧘🏻♀️ Find out more about Contrelle Activgard at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #Perimenopause #Menopause #BladderLeaks |
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
#Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard |
Thursday 26th September 2024 - Menopause Live
We had a great time at the Menopause Live event earlier this month, exhibiting Contrelle Activgard.
This was a major consumer Menopause event, attended by an estimated 2,000 perimenopausal and menopausal women. It was great to see our stand busy with women full of questions and intrigue about a product that could be life changing for them, and many bought a Sizing Kit immediately. Great to chat to many HCP's at the event, and we look forward to catching up with those we talked to! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #PauseLive #Menopause |
Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Best Practice Birmingham
We're at BEST PRACTICE, BIRMINGHAM THIS WEEK, raising awareness about bladder leaks and how Contrelle Activgard is an incredible solution for women who suffer from leaks and Stress Urinary Incontinence.
If you're visiting, come and say hello! #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #BestPracticeBirmingham #BestPracticeShow |
Monday 14th October 2024 - Best Practice Birmingham
Andrew and Sam had a fantastic couple of days at the General Practice Conference at the NEC Birmingham, last week, speaking with GPs and healthcare professionals about the benefits of Contrelle Activgard.
It’s inspiring to see how hard everyone is working within the NHS, sharing knowledge and supporting women’s health. We are committed to supporting everyone with an increased level of training on bladder and pelvic floor issues. We had the opportunity to dive into the science behind Contrelle Activgard, a bladder support device designed to support the bladder neck, helps to reposition and improve bladder angle, provide gentle pressure to the top of the urethra and reduce bladder mobility, with the objective of stopping leakage caused by stress and mixed incontinence. Its unique design allows the bladder to function normally and supports pelvic muscles, so women can still urinate as usual. The device is easy to insert and remove, pain and drug free, and with three sizes can fit comfortably, giving women the confidence to move freely and exercise throughout the day. Contrelle Activgard empowers women to ditch the sanitary pads and take back control of their bodies, with no need to use ring pessaries which can be uncomfortable and be a barrier to exercise. Whether it’s bouncing on a trampoline or just going about your daily routine, it helps you live without worrying about leaks while also encouraging better pelvic floor health - the biofeedback Contrelle Activgard provides helps women to do their pelvic floor exercises If you’re a healthcare professional or a patient looking to learn more about this innovative clinically backed solution, reach out today! Detailed General Practice team training package available. Let’s take control together with science-backed support. Find out more at #Contrelle #ContrelleActivgard #WomensHealth #IncontinenceSupport #Empowerment #ScienceBacked #InControl #PelvicFloorHealth |
Ideas, Drafts
Sketch Pad
- Yes I can
- No more woops moments
- Tell a friend, have you heard
- More common than you think
- Start the conversation
- Describe symptoms for awareness